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미술은행 찾아오시는길 관련 대중교통 이용 안내 컨텐츠

미술은행 대중교통.자세한 내용은 아래내용을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

Parking fee
Minimum charge: KRW 4,200 for 1 hour(KRW 700 for every additional 10 minutes, KRW 30,000 per day)
Service hours: 08:00 ~ 23:00
Parking capacity: 384 (Ground level 2 & 3)
50% OFF
- National merit holder and his or her family members
- Persons with disabilities
- Small car under 1,000cc
- Hybrid car
- Emission-reduced car

Free 1 hour or 2 hours parking
- Exhibition, performance or cultural event ticket holder (except free ticket holder)
- Purchase receipt more than KRW 10,000 at ART ZONE or other service facilities
- Paid museum membership(2 hours free parking)
※ No bus or mini bus carrying more than 15 passengers is allowed.
※ How to get to the parking: After opening hours, you may use an elevator nearby the food court at the Lecture Hall building.
※ Bicycle parking rack is in front of Tea House OSULLOC.